DPS Blog
4 Benefits Of A Partially Automated Process
Sometimes you know better than your software does what you want to accomplish with it. Making your tools smarter and faster will make you more productive. Early word processing applications made hyphenation a no-brainer for typewriter and computer users. Unfortunately, today’s more sophisticated tools don’t always eliminate similar detail-related headaches that consume so much of […]
Increase Your Longevity With Healthy Habits
At the start of the year, I was amused by the glut of stories in the media about New Year’s resolutions: Not just segments on the big ones (like dieting, dating, working out, and losing weight), but also segments on how people could improve their success with achieving their New Year’s resolutions. A segment on […]
Content: Can’t Get There From Here
Near the end of 2012, the typical A/E/C marketer was still not finished with the website redevelopment project she had planned at the start of the year. What might have been a quick project dragged on indefinitely – due, no doubt, to the marketer’s attention being constantly diverted to proposals, and indifference or indecision from […]
Delivering Service and Results For All
I’ve been pleased to start my new year off on a very exciting project that has me working on site at a client’s office, experiencing the culture, and getting valuable face time with decision makers (many of whom are already busy trying to balance a hundred things at once — and that’s a conservative number!). I, […]
That “Voice” Again: Debunking 2012’s Big Marketing Buzzword
Many thought 2012 would be the year they found their “voice” in the marketplace, as it should appear in traditional print and web forms and also in their social media channels. This “voice of the company” would differ in tone and topical interest from all the voices of the individuals within it. But the voice […]
The State Of Social Media: 2013
On January 1rst, I saw this status update from a friend on Facebook:"I've finally realized how annoying all these blogs and tumblers and pinterest shit really are: I want to find the source of an awesome sweater that I want to get (one day, when I can afford it, but...
A quick congratulations to the design firms that participated in the 2012 CANstruction competition. This year saw a record number of participating firms (22), and plenty of recognition to go around. Here is a picture of one of the most distinctive (and best situated)...
The ROI of Architecture Firm Websites: A Fistful Of Dollars
Reviewed: "Architecture Firm Websites: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly" by Fred A. Bernstein - News - Architectural Record: http://archrecord.construction.com/news/2012/06/120625-Architecture-Firm-Websites-The-Good-The-Bad-The-Ugly.asp This article in the June...
What A Computer Virus Reveals About You
People and organizations are put to the test when key players get sick. This is no less true when the key player is a computer. Last month my primary work computer contracted a nasty virus that took several days to recover from. I was indeed put to the test, and here’s how I showed up: […]
What Groundhog Day Means To Marketers
I always struggle with thinking ahead to big holidays. I just can’t put my head around an upcoming holiday until it’s too late. There’s no use planning a holiday-themed promotion, event, or message. It seems silly to try. Who knows what I’ll be thinking on that...