Giving Thanks: It seems like everyone I talk to is looking for new work and actively reimagining their marketing. I think everyone recognizes, as I do, that October and November make up the window of opportunity that is starting to close right now. I have had a very busy couple of weeks.  I feel like a fish in the middle of a salmon run.

I have a lot of people to thank – the normal deal for someone who is constantly meeting with new people.  This week was my fifth year attending the Build Boston trade show in a row, and I’m excited by the enthusiasm and positive reception I have gotten.  This has been my best year so far! My colleagues are landing work and moving on to new career challenges that have been a long time in coming.  I’m also pleased that my last year of project work and improved selling sophistication is helping me to connect with – and qualify – appropriate opportunities.

While I have a lot of personal notes still to write, I have to balance that off against web research, ongoing work to develop my positioning in preparation for my own rebranding, and – client work! I couldn’t have gotten this far without good relationships with people who’ve helped me do some definitive work and grow into my own process.  Gradually, things are converging.

Here’s a little bit of vintage Thanksgiving fun from “Stan Freberg Presents The United States Of America: Volume 1”. Too bad this one isn’t played alongside “Alice’s Restaurant” on Turkey Day. I hope you all enjoy this as much as I do – wherever your holiday takes you!

Give Thanks, and Happy Thanksgiving!