What Groundhog Day Means To Marketers

What Groundhog Day Means To Marketers

I always struggle with thinking ahead to big holidays. I just can’t put my head around an upcoming holiday until it’s too late. There’s no use planning a holiday-themed promotion, event, or message. It seems silly to try. Who knows what I’ll be thinking on that...

Turning Back The Chaos

(Conclusion of a four-part series) You’ve decided to commit your time and the resources of your firm to putting together a proposal. You’ve justified staking your firm’s name, qualifications, and track record to the endeavor. You’ve solicited the content from your...

Containing The Chaos

(Third in a series) You want proposals that are articulate, accurate, and on time? Pick Two! My last post talked about the chaos outside, but there are a lot of resources within your firm that you need to help you produce the best proposal you can. Not only will doing...