The State Of Social Media: 2013

On January 1rst, I saw this status update from a friend on Facebook:”I’ve finally realized how annoying all these blogs and tumblers and pinterest shit really are: I want to find the source of an awesome sweater that I want to get (one day, when I can...


A quick congratulations to the design firms that participated in the 2012 CANstruction competition.  This year saw a record number of participating firms (22), and plenty of recognition to go around. Here is a picture of one of the most distinctive (and best situated)...
What Groundhog Day Means To Marketers

What Groundhog Day Means To Marketers

I always struggle with thinking ahead to big holidays. I just can’t put my head around an upcoming holiday until it’s too late. There’s no use planning a holiday-themed promotion, event, or message. It seems silly to try. Who knows what I’ll be thinking on that...