Project Management
Project Management
- Support and promote good writers on your staff
- Round out a distressed marketing team
- Provide insourced tactical project leadership
- Coordinate and streamline outreach
Reach Beyond Design To Connect With Your Audience
Marketing your business while providing top-notch client service is a difficult balancing act. While your market changes, your firm’s internal strengths and weaknesses are changing too. Changes in personnel and technology affect the context of your projects, and how you communicate them to your clients. Design-product Systems ensures the consistency and good health of your marketing operations when your business is undergoing transition.
We apply formal project management practices without constraining your creativity. We keep track of details, incorporate lessons learned, keep attention on progress, and focus your limited resources on near goals so you can concentrate on doing your best work. We give you discipline that gives you peace of mind.
Design-product Systems enables you to save time, effort, and worry in developing clear communications with an eye toward your future.
Got a marketing challenge you can't design your way around?
Start a conversation with us,
and take the brake off your marketing!
Michael can quickly understand and communicate complex lines of thinking, and demonstrates keen editorial and marketing instincts. He can think small and big to manage conflict or develop solutions.
Case Studies
The Forsyth Institute:
Scaling Clinical Research Center Operations To Conduct High-Volume Subject Screening
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